Rromani groups in the world


The  Rromani people are divided into a number of distinct populations, the largest being the Roma and the  Iberian Calé or Caló, located originally, and currently still mostly, in AnatoliaIberiaCentral and Eastern Europe.There is no official or reliable count of the Rromani populations worldwide most Rroma refuse to register their ethnic identity in official censuses for fear of discrimination

There are an estimated 12 to 15 million Rromani peoplein Europe and Asia Minor (as of 2000s), although some estimates by Rromani organizations give numbers as high as 14 million. Significant Rromanipopulations are found in the Balkan peninsula, in some  Central European states, in SpainFranceRussia, and Ukraine. Several more million Romanies may live out of Europe, particularly in the Middle East and in the Americas.The Rromani people recognize divisions among themselves based in part on territorial, cultural and dialectal differences and self-designation. The main branches are:

1.      Rroma, crystallized in Eastern Europe and Central Italy, emigrated also (mostly from the 19th century onwards), in the rest of Europe, but also on the other continents;
2.     Iberian Kale, mostly in Spain (see Romani people in Spain), but also in Portugal (see Romani people in Portugal), Southern France and Latin America;
3.     Finnish Kale, in Finland, emigrated also in Sweden;
4.     Welsh Kale, in Wales;
5.     Romanichal, in the United Kingdom, emigrated also to the United States and Australia;
6.     Sinti, in German-speaking areas of Central Europe and some neighboring countries;
7.     Manush, in French-speaking areas of Central Europe;
8.     Romanisæl, i
Sweden and Norway.

Among Rromanies there are further internal differentiations, lik
1.  Luri Ungaritza, Lovari (Lovara) from Hungary
2. Machvaya (Machavaya, Machwaya, or Macwaia) fromSerbia 
3. Romungro from Hungary and neighboring carpathian countries.
4. Erlides (also Yerlii or Arli); Xoraxai (Horahane) from Greece/Turkey
5. Boyash (Lingurari, Ludar, Ludari, Rudari, or Zlătari) from Romanian/Moldovan miners
6. Ursari from Romanian/Moldovan bear-trainers.
7. Argintari from silversmiths; Aurari from goldsmiths
8. Florari from florists; and Lăutari from singers.
9 .Bashaldé; Churari;

Elez Bislim
Lumijakhere Rroma